Keep track of time spent in each Window/App
Keep track of how productive you are. Monitor time spent in each Window
- Logs time spent in each Window (yes this works with browser tabs!)
- Logs time per each application
- Logs total time running (since last History purge)
- In order to be more productive, it has a point system:
- Gain or Lose points when a Window has been active for so many minutes. (ie. "Gmail")
- Show a balloon hint notification when gaining or losing points. (ie. on "Facebook for 20 minutes lose 10 points")
- Play a sound when switching to a Window which will gain points.
- Play another sound when switching to a window which will lose points. (ie. "Facebook")
- Keep track of productive (economized) time and wasted time (windows with negative point values)
- Optionally Play a sound every x minute modulo (ie. 15 for 1:00, 1:15, 1:30, 1:45) to keep you on the ball
- Purge all history feature
- Purge all history when WinProductive exits.
Work 8 hour days on the computer?
This app keeps track of how much time you spend in each window and application. Start the app, minimize it for a few hours, then maximize it and see your results. You will see where your time spent in each window/application was. It also lets you be more productive by setting up sounds that can play for productive (or non-productive) windows.